Linzhou Public Service Railway Equipment Manfacturing Co.,Ltd

Gauge lock clip

  • Product Item:023
  • Category:Rail Clip
  • Views:959
  • gauge lock clip
  • clip manufacturer
  • 60Si2Mn
  • CRCC Certificate
  • Product Manual:our factory produce rail clips including,fast clip,e-clip,E2009,E1809 ,skl12,skl14,deenic clip,nabla clip,PR rail clip,gauge lock clips etc.

Rail elastic clip is used to fasten the rails to the underlying base plate together with the concrete sleeper. Usually rail clips are made of forged spring steel which is produced by hot forging process. Because of the uniform microstructure of forged clips, it is considered to be better than other metal forming process.
LT Factory offer an extensive range of rail clips with optimum quality, these rail clips are designed with high precision and made up of premium grade spring steel. LT Factory has been the largest and most competitive production base of rail clip in China over 42 years’ rail clip producing experience, and have qualification to tender nationally large and medium scaled rail projects. What’s more, our rail clip can be customized according to clients’ requirements.

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